Friday, October 18, 2024
HomeMembershipWe are over 1000 members now!

We are over 1000 members now!

We are very proud to announce that we are now over 1000 members. We could not be more proud of this wonderful community, to see such growth and joy come together. 2 years ago we were just over 200, and this is the just the beginning for the club and Ireland!

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A message from the President

What a year this has been. I’m still processing it all.

What started with a simple meeting with RTE back in November has lead to our best result in nearly 30 years! Bambie Thug proved them all wrong and smashed not only records but attitudes everywhere. The witch may not have been crowned but they won our hearts forever 💙🖤💙 I feel privileged to have witnessed such a performance live, the amount of pride and joy Bambie has brought back to our nation cannot be underestimated, we’re back on the Eurovision main stage again!!!

While this year had it’s fair share of controversies, that are still emerging it is important to focus on the positives, we grew from 300 to 1000 members, we’ve a newly revamped Eurovision drive within RTE, we’ve hired our first artists into Ireland this year Suzy, Connelly and Brooke, the first of many to come! Multiple parties throughout the year and across the country, we as a group have raised over a thousand Euro for Doctors Without Borders, and so many more things have happened as well!!!

Some of my personal highlights have been, aside from Bambie absolutely rocking it from start to finish! were celebrating my 10th wedding anniversary with so many of ye in Copenhagen, witnessing Aine having a meltdown of joy over meeting us for the first time, seeing Carlow Rising everywhere around Malmo and beyond, and honestly witnessing everyone at their best and happiest throughout the year, forming new friendships and making one of the most wonderful joyous communities a person could be part of.

We’ve lots more planned for this year and next, we’ve the Malmö After Party on May 25th in the Odeon. We’re planning the summer party mid August, following the success of our Pub Quiz in Malmö we’ll be bringing it to the Summer party as well, more details to follow! And the great and glorious Halloween party of course, so start planning your outfits now! Last year had some really amazing costumes! We’re planning a Battle of The Decades EuroBash in Cork for later in the year and other parties to be announced. The end of the Eurovision Survey will be out soon. We’re looking into grants to host larger events, merchandise (this time we mean it), rebranding etc

I got to meet so many of ye over the last year with so many more to meet, let this be the beginning of something beautiful and amazing not only for us but for Ireland. Ye truly are a most wonderful bunch of people a person could ever know, the love and support shown and given is tremendous and I thank ye from the bottom of my heart. The effect that positivity has on others is infectious, no wonder they all want to join us.

But before I go (for now, I know, I know, Shut up Frank!) I want to thank those who gave their time over the last year to help propel this club to the next level and beyond. Mark, Aaron, Paula, Peter, Michael, Jennifer, my long suffering husband Jonathan, Matthew, our mysterious Social Media guru, and all the admins who have helped throughout the year. I’m going to be cheeky and put a call out to everyone here, just giving us one hour of your time can help us push this club into the stratosphere, have a think about it and reach out anytime, take a few weeks off and have a think about it.

I know that I’m leaving out a lot, but know this, I’m immensely proud of you all, and the potential in what we can do, in the most positive and amazing fan club in the world.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to have a very long nap, and I’ll see you all at a EuroBash near you soon!

Yours sincerely
Frank Dermody

President Irish Eurovision Fan Club


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